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  • Writer's pictureDr Willard Wigan MBE

Celebrating & Support Pollinators Through the Art of Dr. Willard Wigan MBE

Support Pollinators In the intricate world of microscopic sculptures.

Dr Willard Wigan MBE has captivated audiences with his delicate creations of animals and insects. These sculptures, no larger than a grain of sand, offer a unique way to appreciate the tiny wonders of our natural world, including the crucial role of pollinators. Understanding these tiny creatures' roles helps us appreciate their importance and inspires us to take action to protect them.

Microscopic Butterfly by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE
Butterfly in the eye of a needle - Pollinator by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE

The Art of Pollination

Pollination is the process by which pollen is transferred from the male part of a flower to the female part, enabling plants to produce seeds and fruit. This process is essential for the reproduction of many plants, including those that produce our food. While wind and water can pollinate some plants, many rely on animals, especially insects, for this vital process.

Microscopic Flowers by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE
Flowers in the eye of a needle - Pollinator by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE

Support Pollinators in Dr. Wigan's Collection

Dragonfly: Dragonflies are not direct pollinators, but they play a vital role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems by preying on insects that might harm pollinators.

Microscopic Dragonfly by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE
Dragonfly in the eye of a needle - Support Pollinator by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE

Butterfly: Butterflies are excellent pollinators, visiting flowers for nectar and transferring pollen as they move from bloom to bloom.

Microscopic Butterfly by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE
Butterfly in the eye of a needle - Pollinator by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE

Bee: Bees are among the most effective pollinators, especially for crops and wild plants. Their hairy bodies trap pollen, which they carry to other flowers.

 Microscopic Bee by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE
Bee in the eye of a needle - Pollinator by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE

Birds (including Hummingbirds): Some birds, like hummingbirds, are crucial pollinators. They feed on nectar, and as they move from flower to flower, they transfer pollen.

Microscopic Humming Birds by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE
Humming Birds in the eye of a needle - Pollinator by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE

Mosquitoes: While often considered pests, male mosquitoes do feed on nectar and can contribute to pollination, though their role is minor compared to bees or butterflies.

Microscopic Mosquitos by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE
Mosquitos in the eye of a needle - Pollinator by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE

Celebrating Pollinators Through the Art of Dr. Willard Wigan MBE


The Importance of Pollinators

Pollinators are crucial for the health of ecosystems and agriculture. They help in the reproduction of about 75% of flowering plants and over 35% of global food crops. Without them, the biodiversity of our planet would be severely impacted, leading to the decline of many plant and animal species. Support Pollinators Matters

Bees and Bee Hive Pollinator by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE
Celebrating Pollinators Through the Art of Dr. Willard Wigan MBE

How to Help & Support Pollinators

  1. Plant Wildflowers: Create a pollinator-friendly garden with a variety of native plants that bloom throughout the season. Wildflowers provide nectar and pollen for different pollinators.

  2. Build Bug Hotels: Encourage pollinators to visit your garden by providing habitats. Bug hotels offer shelter for bees and other insects.

  3. Avoid Pesticides: Reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides in your garden, as these chemicals can harm pollinators.

  4. Install Hanging Baskets: Fill hanging baskets with pollinator-friendly plants like petunias and geraniums to attract bees and butterflies.

  5. Educate Yourself: Use apps like iNaturalist and Seek to identify and learn about different pollinators in your area.


Fun Activities to Support Pollinators

Pollinator Workshops: Participate in or organise workshops focused on building bug hotels or planting pollinator gardens.

Miniature Workers by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE
Workshops Build Bug Hotel- Pollinator by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE

Nature Walks: Join guided nature walks to observe pollinators in their natural habitats.

 Nature walks by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE
Nature walks with friends and family - Pollinator by Dr. Willard Wigan MBE

Citizen Science Projects: Engage in citizen science projects that track pollinator populations and their health.


Apps & Websites for Learning About and Supporting Pollinators

  • iNaturalist: Identify plants and animals, including pollinators, and contribute to citizen science data.

  • Seek by iNaturalist: Use this app for a more game-like experience in identifying various species around you.

  • PlantSnap: Identify plants and learn which ones are best for attracting pollinators.


Links Support Pollinators

Wildlife Trust is a grassroots movement that believes we need nature and it needs us. More than 900,000 members and 39,000 volunteers work together with their Wildlife Trust to make their local area wilder and make nature part of life, for everyone.

Every Wildlife Trust is an independent charity.

We’d love you to join us.

Canal & River Trust is the UK's largest canal charity, looking after 2,000 miles of canals and rivers across England and Wales

Natural History Museum - Bringing you the latest stories and answering your big questions about nature.

Wollaton Hall - Museums across the country, including Nottingham City Museums at Wollaton Hall and Newstead Abbey, are connecting teachers and new audiences of young people aged 9-14 to their local nature, and to global issues. In particular, we hope to connect with those identified as having a low connection to nature.

Just Clever Print are a printers with a planet-friendly purpose. Committed to making a real difference to the community and the environment with sustainable printing and eco-friendly products.


Celebrating Pollinators Through the

Art of Dr. Willard Wigan


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